Narcotics Anonymous

Drug Addiction?

Stay clean with our addiction treatment center

NA Pakistan A Welfare Drug Addiction Treatment Center

A journey of hope, welfare, and recovery with our Drug
Addiction Treatment Center
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What do we do for Drug Addicts?

Open Invite for all Addicts to a Clean Lifestyle

Welcome in Meeting Sessions (Open/Closed)

Refraining them with our Recovery Literature

Addiction treatment center with strong support groups

Where addicts find Heaven by slowly backing away from Hell!

We are a non-profitable addiction treatment center that warmly welcomes all types of drug addicts and helps them in their rehabilitation journey via recovery literature and meetings.

Sole aim of our addiction treatment center is to make life of our addicts peaceful by helping them out through different techniques. Also, developing coping mechanism in their personalities to save them from excessive addiction of medicines.

Here Are Few Key Factors of NA Pakistan-Rehab Center:

  • Participation in our NA meetings is free of cost.
  • All NA members prioritize anonymity as their fundamental tenet.
  • Individual and group counseling sessions are equally provided to members according to their needs.
  • Healing our drug addicts through power of words by addressing their internal chaos.

We're a Recognized Organization

We are the Perfect Door


A step towards your psychological health

You can embrace a healthier & brighter future with our addiction treatment center.


To say no to all types of Drugs

Our supportive environment allows you to share your experiences with peers and realize you are not alone.


Pursue your addiction free dreams

We encourage you to reduce your drug use and start the healing journey without passing judgment on anything.


A safe shelter for a fresh start

Break free from the bonds of costly therapies and enroll in our friendly, and cost-free sessions to start over.

First NA Meeting: What to Expect

Whatever drug addiction you have, we are always ready to embrace you if you are willing to say no to drugs by yourself. Our sincere efforts and your strong determination can make a good combination for your drug-free lifestyle.

Our addiction treatment center is a platform that offers you multiple meeting slots, out of which you can select based on your availability. Our sessions incorporate many activities that helps you with orienting thoughts and perspectives in adjustment. We will never force any of our member to introduce themselves or to take part in group discussions and meetings without their consent. It totally depends on them, when or what they want to share except passing judgmental comments. Join our team to celebrate addiction free life.

Get Every Answer from Here

NA being a voluntary NGO & a leading addiction treatment center in lahore, does not have any membership registration. So, it doesn’t give any certification to its members or meeting attendees. However, if an addict requires so as part of drug therapy, they can ask for such an opportunity. You might ask for attendance confirmation in advance as well.

NA believes in self-finance and is balancing its channel of activities with its volunteer old and new members and their donations. However, it charges no fee for attending and participating in its meetings. All are cordially invited to NA meetings.
With the help of NA’s 12-step program, senior members of NA—known as sponsors—work and mentor newcomers. It is more like a personal contact in which anyone can contact without hesitation or select a sponsor of their choice to get guidance via the 12-steps of NA. They are the trustworthy members of NA to whom you can disclose your matters with consent that you do not want to disclose in the NA group.
NA meetings are drug-free spaces. They are abstinence programs for addicts that help and support them to get a recovery from all kinds of drugs without any harm and we use the power of literature and addicts’ determination to stay clean to make this happen.
No! There is no leader or guru in Narcotics Anonymous since it is run at the local level. We solely operate on a volunteer basis and provide self-help support for and by addicts. Every provision and service in NA is free and is funded by our donations, which are made voluntarily. Also optional is NA membership.

A fight Against Drug Addiction

Moreover, the prevention of drug addiction is a vital initiative highlighted The Green December Movement, which collaborates closely with the government and the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan. This movement discourages drug addiction and encourages minimized drug addiction within society. Furthermore, religious scholars play a key role in this movement to prevent drug addiction. This movement has also branches in Karachi and Quetta, focusing on the participation of youth in preventing addiction activities.

There are various initiatives taken by the Green December Movement

  • Free Addiction Treatment Centers
  • Awareness programs
  • Religious and cultural support
  • Educating students regarding drug addiction

Our addiction treatment center in Lahore believes in the healing power of nature. No matter what circumstances have put you at the mercy of drugs, we are the motivators to cheer you up as whatever you have lost was not more precious than your life.

By having talk sessions with other addicts and listening to their stories at our drug addiction treatment center, one can figure out how easy it is to take some time and accept your failures instead of destroying your dreams with drugs.

There is no cost for delivering good than humanity and devotion. So, we charge no fee for attending our meetings and being a part of NA. We assure all the addicts can join our meeting without any fear or anxiety of social or legal repercussions.

Anonymity being the key premise and preference of our addiction treatment center, we take care of your privacy and social status, which is why we prefer using first names. We strongly emphasize your confidentiality when sharing recovery messages in our meetings.

Narcotics Anonymous does not provide drug-related therapies or substitute no therapists in our team, and we do not state different therapeutic methods. We have seen a lack of strength to deal with stressful things/conditions/failures/losses make a person addicted and they can restore their lost strength only by an indomitable will.

Our addiction treatment center invites different members to the meeting where they share their experiences with all, how they became an addict, at which point they decided to get rid of this abuse, and what’s the impact of NA in their recovery journey. We are not focused on specific drug types. We have members in meetings that use different drug types. Some are newly addicted and some are at their peak while some are recovering from this abuse and others are just intending to kick this evil out of their lives. Drug addiction of any kind is a sickness that aggravates a person to the point where their moral principles are ruined. We collectively organize our NA meeting proceedings to address all issues at our addiction treatment center.

Mainly, your sponsorship fuels our addiction treatment center where experienced members work with new members voluntarily to help support each other for a 12-step program, adopted from Alcoholics Anonymous, and used nationwide since 1930.